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Secret Masonic Victory of WW2 by Dennis Wise.




This guy has logged tons of "sudden deaths" including the inordinate amount of famous people, athletes, as well as us normal people.





The next fake pandemic - bird flu - - this is possibly what they are distracting everyone from as they are setting up the narrative/framework to roll this out.




Anyone who lost someone over the last three years should be angry like this lady because there's a good chance the person was murdered.




Let's keep letting these third world beasts into our white nations so they can keep raping and killing everyone.....




Wonder if this guy kept his job for calling out the poison jab?




This woman breaks down how the digital ID, etc. will work.  We are screwed if they get this in place.




“I will merely repeat that we are at present working, discreetly but with all our might, to wrest this mysterious political force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local national states of our world. And all the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands…”

“The Trend of International Affairs Since the War,” International Affairs, November 1931, p. 809  (Arnold Toynbee)




No "flu" in 2020-2021 per WHO...... Cause they renamed it.




NSA responsible for crypto which they may incorporate into the digital/biometric ID.


Someone wrote in response to this:

"It’s (crypto) a Trojan Horse to usher in the elite’s Wet Dream of a cashless society. This will likely take the form of CBDC’s and a Social Credit score, which will track all of your financial (and social media) activity and punish or reward you based on your behavior and how it compares to the agenda they want us to collectively align with. If you don’t fall in line it will be a lot worse than getting put in Facebook jail; it will instead impact your ability to purchase goods and services, and likely your ability to travel, etc.

Cypherpunks may have been somewhat involved too. Perhaps some sold out and were hired by these Government agents."

Someone else wrote:

"I have a email from 2009 from those school career fairs regarding a job internship for a project involving "c++, cryptography or similar knowledge to cryptocurrencies".

The job was for McLean Virginia.

Lookup who is located in McLean VA"






Thousands of 9/11 videos.

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